«Union Global Communities»
Premium social networks
for each ethnic group in the world
based on the unique Technology «Conflict-free thinking™».
The main task of the company «OneAccountProducts» - development and service of social media, developed on the basis of the Technology «Conflict-free thinking™». And the company objective is the improving the quality of relationships between people by introducing of the skills conflict-free thinking. A new level of social relations, where will be no conflicts! Now everyone has the opportunity to witness the formation of a new international community.
«Conflict-free thinking» | Technology
Skills conflict-free thinking
will insure you and your loved ones
against mistakes in life.
The unique technology «Conflict-free thinking™» is included in each resource of the project «UnionGlobalCommunities», as well as is included in all IT products «OneAccountProducts», including ethnic, sports premium, professional and entertaining social media (more than 300 products).
NOTE In the future, the methodology of the concept of conflict-free vision and the development of competencies conflict-free thinking will help to avoid domestic conflicts between strangers; will improve working environment between supervisors and subordinates; greatly will reduce conflicts in the family between family members, between husband and wife, between parents and children, which will greatly contribute to a long lasting relationship and strengthen the family; will help to save your health and possibly extend your life by 3 - 5 years. All of the above in the long term should allow to return trust of people to each other. In general, the skills conflict-free thinking will allow you to insure yourself from mistakes in life!
New level natural online safety
Our business model is based on the financial filter of the registration, premium brand-selectivity and self-regulation based on the concept of conflict-free thinking provides a natural security of communication and additional services.
All resources contribute to the prevention of inter-ethnic conflicts among adolescents.
- recruitment in terrorist organizations, of totalitarian sects and destructive cults;
- online fraud;
- cyberbullying;
- creating fake web accounts.
A new level of natural protection against:
Creating a strong family
Each of the resources contributes to the preservation of cultural traditions, language and identity.
In each resource we create conditions for the absence of conflicts of beliefs, which reduces the possibility of mutual insults.
Also our resources contribute to the development of conflict-free thinking skills, what will help you to avoid domestic conflicts.
NOTE Products «OneAccountProducts» contribute to minimizing the probability of building long-term relationships with adverse people. It may enable you to avoid biggest regrets in the future.